Monday, April 25, 2011

The Chinese: Precocious or Rash?

As we have been studying, before 1914 when Chinese nationalists movements were not large enough to challenge their Western imperialist rulers, China lived under Western rule. As it states in the textbook, Civilization and Revolution, "Asian nationalists favored modernization and eventually adopted Western techniques and ideas" (872). If this is the case, evidently the question that arises is, why did China go to such lengths to break free from Western rule even though they adopted and believed in the customs and ideas that the West held?

The result is two possibilities. First the Chinese were wise, they saw that Western imperialist rule would eventually result in abuse and the West would take advantage of their "colony". Second the Chinese were stupid at attempting to break away from Western rule first because they would have adopted their ideas of modernization more quickly, which would lead to advancement in technology, allowing them to increase national defense and they would have the aid of a powerful territory through ruff economic, political and social times.

I believe the latter of these possibilities is true. China was stupid in breaking away from the West. If China had of stayed with the West they would have improved their national defense, allied themselves with a powerful nation and rapidly improved such areas as science and technology. The cons are simply that the West could possibly begin to enforce harsh rule. The advantages in this specific case completely outweigh the disadvantages. China would be better protected from foreign invasion with the aid of their rapidly advancing technology and the aid of their powerful ally. Their economy would also increase rapidly, due to specific jobs opening up for technological and scientific positions. New technology would also result in industrial expansion and growth, while easing life for the common citizen.

It is also critical to note that if China remained under Western rule even for a short period of time, if the West began to take advantage of China by invoking harsh rule leading to them seizing land and resources form the Chinese, the introduction of new technology and population within China would be enough to rebel against the powerful enemy. They would be able to break free from the West and still have benefitted from allying with them.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mao's Mass Movement Theory

Could Chairman Mao's belief that all you need for something to change is the mass of the people? What other revolutions have taken place at the will of the mass of the people. Lets Examine.

In Mao's article, The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains written in June 1945, he states, "First, we have decided on the line of our Party, which is boldly to mobilize the masses and expand the people's forces...If they stand up and dig with us, why can't these mountains be cleared away?" (The "three constantly read article" of Mao Zedong Handout) As you can see in this article Mao tells the story of an old man who wishes to dig up two mountains. An old wise man thinks this man is foolish and when he questions how he expects to dig up the mountains, the man replies, "When i die my sons will carry on; when they die, there will be my grandsons and then their sons and grandsons and so on to infinity." This logical in theory makes sense, enough man power and eventually after an incredible amount of time, the mountains could be dug up. This metaphor clearly expresses Mao's view on what mass movement can do. As we have seen studying his reign, it worked quite well for him. However can it be applied to all situations?

Tak world war two for example, Hitler had almost all of Germany behind him, he began a mass movement of people all nurtured under this one idea. He accomplished what most leaders dream of accomplishing. He conquered most of Europe and as well as parts of Asia. His masses took him great leaps and bounds however, this example is only one of two which occurred during this time. As a result of Hitler's regime, British, American, Russian(Soviet Union) as well as many other European country's forces joined to overthrow Hitler and save Europe. The masses under them successfully ousted most of Hitler's regime and successfully brought Europe back from the brink of total captivity.

This though only two examples clearly expresses Mao's view on how mass movement can truly accomplish all. Mao's thoughts i feel to be correct due to the outstanding record that leader's possess once gained the support of the masses.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A day in the life

Shanghai, 1967.
Wednesday, April 14.
Low-low Yuang

"Today i was cured by the meritorious Chairman Mao. My life long hearing and speech impediment has vanished under the swift effort of our glorious leader, Chairman Mao. Before today, sounds were nothing to me and as a result, i could make none. However yesterday i underwent an incredibly risky medical operation to cure me of my impediment. At first i was scared, i thought perhaps i would die. However the thought that the entire process had be planend out by our beautiful Chairman Mao gave me much solace. Once i awoke, i laid my eyes, ears and words onto my mother who was standing over me. I immediately fell to the floor, beneath our giant painting of Chairman Mao. I almost shouted the words, "OH GLORIOUS CHAIRMAN MAO, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" As tears fell down my mother's face, i comforted her and in turn myself, with the kind words that had not left my lips since i was 2."

This is what i heard on the radio today, a glorious and triumphant story of Chairman Mao's efforts to help and cure a deaf-mute from her crippling disease. As i listened to this little girl's story, i found myself in amazement. Amazement for our wonderful leader and his magical abilities. I thought long and hard on how Chairman Mao could possibly cure this little girl's deafness. Acupuncture was the means in which Chairman Mao cured this girl, however it was his genius combined with the loyal country which follows him wherever he journeys. I consider myself so blessed to live in this wonderful country lead by this truly amazing leader, if he can cure this girl's deafness and muteness, there must surely be no end to his power.