Thursday, October 21, 2010

The idiotic creation of the republican opposition

During lasts nights reading the text book brought up the creation of the republican opposition as a response to their belief that the federalists were simply out of control. This new republican opposition believed that the federalists were creating a tyrannical system of government whose only interests concerned their supporters. This i believe was an almost fatal mistake for the united states of America. This was a mistake because America was just coming out of a war that left them in huge amounts of debt. They were rethinking their ideals and making major adjustments to their government, they were extremely susceptible. At this time America needed a simple, fast and effect form of government that would pick the colonies back up onto their feet as soon as possible.
The creation of an opposition you could say was inevitable mainly because of the fact that people will always disagree, its in our nature. However if Jefferson had taken a step back a really examined the situation in which their country was in, I think he would have agreed that things needed to be done and fast. They needed to reform their government because most of their structures were based off of the English system. They needed money to abolish the huge debt they were now in and they also needed swift political action.
The federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, an aristorcrat, wanted to get the well-educated and high class people in power. This is another reason creating an opposition to the federalists at this time was a bad idea. The well-educated people needed to be in control at this unstable time. One could argue that the opposition group brought in people like Jefferson and Madison however their intentions became about luring supporters in and not so much focusing on their current problems.
It would be extremely interesting to see what America would be like if the federalists, at least for this time, were not challenged and continued to act in their own ways. I would definitely say that at one point there needs to be an introduction to new fresh ideas but for the state of the nation at this time, I believe that swift, effective action needed to take place and in my view, the federalists were best suited for the job.

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